This is the partnership arm of Riot Crypto Mining, aimed at providing safe fund options for individuals. with years of guaranteed sustainability in our business system, we have created a way for individuals to partner with Rokland Group. With a partnership funds ranging from $15000 ,individuals are assured of a monthly ROP flat rate return on partnership for a minimum partnership period of 6months and a maximum duration of 5 years. Our partnership Growth plan allows our partners to secure their monthly interest and their initial partnership funds, which is paid back at the signed expiration of the partnership contract. We assures continuity on the receipt of profit with an interest rate that’s high. And profit can be accumulated within a short time frame.
Borrow Up to 50% of Your Crypto Collateral. Get the credit limit you want, not what you’re given. Monetise your crypto assets without selling them. Pay back on your own schedule and enjoy even lower annual interest when you stake CRO. Contact Support for more info.